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01/2021 -- 過去三十天當中西雅圖房市熱若的程度已完全超乎想像. 在東區(Bellevue, Issaquah, Redmond, Kirkland)此區獨立屋拿到了20個offers已是常態. 有些case甚至有40-56個offers. 供需的不平衡將在短期內將成交價已無法想像的速度往上推.

05/2020 -- 完全想像不到...Covid 19影響了全世界各個角落! 從房地產的角度失業潮, stay at home, Boeing裁員等因素似乎對西雅圖區的自住地產尚無負面影響. 後續的發展值得注意. 

02/2019 -- 新的一年祝大家"諸"事順利 :) 農曆初一西雅圖下了一場瑞雪! 如同外頭的雪因天氣漸漸暖活而開始融化--西雅圖的房市在今年也已慢慢回溫. 個人認為只要需求持續大於供給 (獨立屋市場) -- 本地的房價長遠將持續上揚. 您如果看到中意的房子請不要猶豫喔!!

09/2018 -- 自2012年以來西雅圖的房價第一次出現疲憊狀態....這是短期現象還是長遠下修呢? 歡迎您與我聯繫我們可一起討論喝咖啡 :)

12/2017 -- 破表, 破表,  再破表!! 除非經濟崩盤不然西雅圖房價持續上升的機會還是很大的. 沒有新的房屋(包括condo)加入市場的情況每個賣出的房子價錢將創新高點!

3/2016 -- 大西雅圖地區有超過十六萬的人口遷入...在獨立屋的供應幾忽是零的狀況下可以預測在今年的前半年我們會繼續看到破表的賣價!!

update 3/2015 -- 蛋黃區中獨立屋的市場因沒有新的供應所以求過於供的景況將持續下去!

2014 -- 西雅圖區的地產市場在2011-2014中價錢成長了超過30%, 在一些價位高的區域房價已接近上一波的高點(2006-2007). 幾乎每一個條件好的物件都會吸引到multiple offers. 在這樣競爭激烈的狀況下您如果要買到房子需要有積極的經紀人為您服務, 請給我為您服務的機會!


供不應求時是賣房的最好時機, 如您有物件考慮脫手歡迎與我洽詢. 我可協助您:

1. 瞭解最新市場資訊, 與您分享如何利用網路得到持續的updates.

2. 提供您如何將物產以最好價格及最快速度賣出.

3. 為您現有的地產做免費市場評估.


我的電話號碼為: 425-635-8972. 歡迎隨時來電或傳簡訊.







Dear Friends:
01/2021 -- The market -- since the beginning of 2021 -- has gone insane!! Eastside single-family homes are now receiving 20 plus offers. In some cases, homes are attracting 40-56 offers. This extremely large (and increasing in numbers) of well qualified and determined buyers chasing after lean inventory will push up home prices at an unprecedented speed.
05/2020 -- Who'd have imagined in 2020 the whole early faced its first GLOBAL pandemic in over 100 years. The impact on Seattle's residential real estate is yet unknown. Despite record high unemployment, stay at home policy and pending layoffs from Boeing...the demand for homes remain strong for now.
02/2019 -- Seattle just had its first snow of 2019!! As I am watching temperature warming up -- and snow melting away, I have good reasons to believe residential real estate market (specifically -- single family homes) is gradually warming up -- and likely to return to the "demand > supply" scenario of 2012-2018. Home buyers -- do not hesitate if you see your dream home -- take actions now!! 
09/2018 -- For the first time since 2012 Seattle home values has experienced declining trend. Is this a short term rest or long term correction!? Feel free to get in touch with me as we may discuss this topic over coffee :)
12/2017 -- we continues to observe brisk demand for homes in Seattle -- effects on price is most visible in outskirts area -- double digit appreciations. Restricted supplies is driving up prices. No slow down in sight!
3/2016 -- there is no sign that single family home market is slowing down...with 160,000 new residents in the Greater Seattle area demand continues to outpace supply. I believe at least for the first half of 2016 home buyers are (again) going to be seeing lots of wild SOLD prices.
update 3/2015 -- Within Seattle/Bellevue metrio area there are simply no new single family home development. Lack of supply and steady demand for homes will continue to drive the price up for the foreseeable future.
2014 -- Thank you for visiting my site. As you know, real estate market in Seattle metro area has experienced a fierce rebound since 2011. In many areas home values has almost recovered from the recession of 2008-2011.
I am most familiar with the following geographical areas -- Eastside and North Seattle. During the past years I have been involved with many multiple offers situation. As demand continues to outpace supplies this trend is likely to carry on through spring of 2014.
Please feel free to contact me with your real estate related needs. I can be reached via phone or text at 425-635-8972.
To those friends and families who has given me the opportunities to serve you.... I THANK YOU for your trust. You have enabled me to re-enter this profession with experience and encouragement. If there are areas I can make improvements please do share them with me. 



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